Scripture Songs V

  Praise and Worship music and songs. Worship God with this beautiful gospel music. God’s amazing gift of “salvation through faith” is beautifully magnified in song. If you enjoyed the rest of the “Scripture Songs” series you will want this one.

All song are from the KJV - King James Bible.

Download - $ 9.99

CD-S/H Incl - $ 14.48

Guitar Chords - $ 1.98

Action Song Title
01 SS V Short
02 SS V Short
12 SS V Short
13 SS V Short

Song Listing

All songs are from the King James Bible.

  • 1. Ye Call Me Master And Lord.John 13:13-16
  • 2. What Man Is He. Psalm 34:12-14
  • 3. For The Lord. Isaiah 50:7-9
  • 4. Lord Make Me To Know. Psalm. 39:4-8, 12, 13
  • 5. I Waited Patiently For The Lord. Psalm 40:1-3
  • 6. There Cometh A Woman. John 4:7, 9-15
  • 7. Not By Works Of Righteousness. Titus 3:5-7
  • 8. O Magnify The Lord. Psalm 34:3, 5, 8, 18
  • 9. Finally Brethren Farewell. II Cor. 13:11, 14
  • 10. Because He Hath Set His love. Psalm 91:14-16
  • 11. A Certain Man. Luke 10:30-37
  • 12. The Lord God Is My Strength. Habakkuk 3:19, 18
  • 13. Sacrifice And Offering. Psalm 40:6, 8, 10
  • 14. I Have Set The Lord. Psalm 16:8, 9, 11
  • 15. Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled. John 14:1-3
  • 16. Christ The Power Of God. I Cor. 1:24, 25, 27, 31
  • 17. Behold, What Manner Of Love. I John 3:1, 2

"Laying aside His garments Jesus took a towel and girded himself. After that He poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet..." John 13:5. Jesus is still the servant. He desires to wash us clean of pride, selfishness, and alienation. Gently He comes to us doing the work that is His alone, which none of us can accomplish. In submitting to this cleansing we are washed from earthliness and God's law is written in the heart (Hebrews 8:10). The gospel is then revealed. May these songs inspire your faith in Him who is altogether lovely ... The Servant of Servants.

What People Are Saying

About Bible Songs

"I have about 50 Bible Song albums in my collection, from searching all over the internet, and your Bible Songs are BY FAR the BEST." LA
“I just absolutely love your music. I think it is the best kept secret in the Christian community. I can’t say enough good things about it. I am telling everyone I know.” PA
These are my very, very, favorite CDs. I have bought other music and was usually disappointed. When I heard these I knew I found what I was looking for. Thank you so much.” TX
This is the most beautiful music I have heard. I sense the Holy Spirit when I play them. They really make me relaxed and calm. Thank you. NJ
My family loves Bible Songs I-V. I hope you do more in the future. They are the best Bible Songs we have found. Well done. MO
Thank you for your beautiful music! I enjoy playing the flute with the songs. Your music is different and inspiring. My sister can’t stop listening CA


“We have had the Scripture Song 1 for over 14 years and love it. I find myself even after all these years singing the Scripture in my head. What a blessing. Thank you so much.” FL

“A friend gave us one of your cds and my husband and I listen and sing along with them when we are driving in the car. My husband is also learning to play along with them on his guitar for around the camp fires in the summer.” ON

“I have been so blessed by your music. As a long distance trucker, your music gives many hours of listening pleasure and I am growing in His grace.” FL

“The music is wonderful! I am so excited to use it. We learn a new memory verse each month in sunday school and we are going to use the songs. It is so much easier for the children to learn the verses when they are to music. Thank you so much.” U.S.

“The music is wonderful! I am so excited to use it. We learn a new memory verse each month in sunday school and we are going to use the songs. It is so much easier for the children to learn the verses when they are to music. Thank you so much.” U.S.

“No words can express the gratitude I feel for this pure, sweet KJV Bible music. I keep giving away my copies as gifts, so I need to get some more. Thank you! U.S.

“I have Scripture Songs I and boy do I use it in hard times with my health. What a blessing.” OR

“The songs are wonderful and I am learning the Scriptures. Overall, I believe the Scripture Songs are an excellent source for learning the Scriptures. I will continue to recommend your music to others.” ID

“We bought the first cd and absolutely love it. My four year old walks around singing Scripture all the time now. I appreciate your ministry greatly. Thank you!!! God’s blessing to you as you work for the Lord.” ME

“The Scripture Songs CDs are every bit as wonderful as I imagined and a TOTAL blessing to our home. Thank you. You have been faithful in good service, and according to God’s Word you will reap as you sow. Be blessed! Thank you for your ministry!!!!” IN

“We now have all of the CDs and the music has been, and still is, a great help to us in our Christian walk. Thanks so much for being devoted vessels of Jesus to do this.” U.S.

“It’s a blessing to hear God’s KJV in music!” AK

“I appreciate so much these Scripture Songs, they have been a blessing for me. Thank you.” TX

“I have looked for YEARS for anointed music without drums and background distractions…and even did explicit searches for KJV Scripture music. I found you and ordered volume I and have been extremely blessed by it since I received it. I would like to order the rest of them. God bless you both as you spread the Word of God through your anointed music!” IA

“What a blessing your work has been! We ordered Scripture Songs I from a homeschool outlet, and have played it almost onstantly.” TX

“My family meets with about 6 or 7 other families in a home, where we fellowship on Sundays and have a meeting of believers, or church as most call the assembly of believers. We sing and play the Scripture Songs often, along with other hymns and songs. They really add a peace and enjoyment to our time of fellowship. Thanks and God Bless all of you!” U.S.

“I have your Scripture Songs I and love it. Praise God for your excellent work. A great way to memorize KJV verses. My 2 and 5 year old memorized a song for VBS from your CD!!” U.S.

“I just bought Scripture Songs I from a second hand store and am thrilled about it. I saw it and wondered if I should take a chance on it. Boy am I sure glad I did, I just love it. I spent over $150.00 on things that day and by FAR the best purchase was your music. Thank you. Are there more? If so I would love to have them in my home.” MI

“Scripture Song I was given to a patient that is terminal and when he is in excruciating pain he listens to the songs. The songs relax him and together with medicine the pain decreases.” GA

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