Life Story Series (Gunter Zimmer)

Personal Testimony

We love personal testimonies as they are among the most powerful witnesses of a loving Creator. These, faith building, real life stories are entertaining and a true blessing for the entire family.

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Action Song Title
07 JH Short

Song Listing

All songs are from the King James Bible.

  • 1. James Harris WW II
  • 2. Gunter Zimmer American Dream
  • 3. Cecil Williams Korean War

After being shot down over Germany during W.W. II James Harris faced huge life and death obstacles. His chances for survival were very slim. Find out the amazing miracles God performed to pull him through hell on earth, and how James was able to find life's true purpose and meaning.

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About Bible Songs

"I have about 50 Bible Song albums in my collection, from searching all over the internet, and your Bible Songs are BY FAR the BEST." LA
“I just absolutely love your music. I think it is the best kept secret in the Christian community. I can’t say enough good things about it. I am telling everyone I know.” PA
These are my very, very, favorite CDs. I have bought other music and was usually disappointed. When I heard these I knew I found what I was looking for. Thank you so much.” TX
This is the most beautiful music I have heard. I sense the Holy Spirit when I play them. They really make me relaxed and calm. Thank you. NJ
My family loves Bible Songs I-V. I hope you do more in the future. They are the best Bible Songs we have found. Well done. MO
Thank you for your beautiful music! I enjoy playing the flute with the songs. Your music is different and inspiring. My sister can’t stop listening CA


James Harris WW II

After being shot down over Germany during W.W. II James Harris faced huge life and death obstacles. His chances for survival were very slim. Find out the amazing miracles God performed to pull him through hell on earth, and how James was able to find life’s true purpose and meaning.

Cecil Williams Korean War

Being a Christian missionary during the Korean war can be exciting, very exciting. Then, having to evacuate from Seoul while the Communist tanks are rolling in is just plain electrifying. These thrilling stories of faith are sure to strengthen your walk with God.

Gunter Zimmer American Dream

How does a poor immigrant to Canada end up owning one of the largest non-union construction firms in California, as well as 250 race horses costing up to $250,000.00 each? Find out how God was able to break through the intoxication of wealth and power to get his attention.

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